How to write and Publish a Christian book?

How to write and Publish a Christian book?

No matter how much we teach on how to write, one of the most important steps in writing a book is to stop talking about it and get started. Many times authors will talk about writing and can even tell their story, but they don’t have anything written down. Just start writing now and stop all procrastination.

Before you start to write a Christian book there is a lot to put in consideration

Before you begin to write

You need to know where you are currently at in the process of pursuing your dream and mission of writing the book. Ask yourself some questions like: do I have some journals, handwritten notes or recorded sermons? Determine your target audience. Make sure what you are writing about doesn’t contradict the Christian Faith. Also, build a spiritual foundation of prayer and continue to pray during the process.

Begin to write

The hardest thing authors have to overcome is procrastination. Open your computer, grab a journal or even a digital recorder, but do something now to overcome any desire to procrastinate. Even if you feel that you do not know enough to get started, make the decision to learn as you go. The problem most people have in getting started is they are trying to write a completed manuscript in their heads before they put it on paper. They are trying to make the first draft and final manuscript all at once in their head. The first step is simply to begin the process, and watch what happens as you step out and start writing. Have you ever heard that it is easier to turn a car that is moving forward?

Organise your thoughts and write up into a workable outline

Learn to jot down every title and subtitle that comes to mind for your book. Surprisingly, one of these may become the title of the book others could be used for subtitles. Your title needs to cover the starting and finishing of the book. Write the premise. When you start your book it is important to write out a premise statement that establishes the main idea, the basic concept, the foundational principle, personal story or instructional topic of your book. For example, if you are writing a book about The 10 Commandments, then you need to determine what the book is going to cover and how it will clearly summarize or specifically detail the ideas, principles, truths, teachings and material you have gleaned from your study of The 10 Commandments.

Putting your writing and work into a Manuscript

Some people are better verbally than writing, using a keyboard or a computer is difficult for them. If that is you, here is what you do: dictate your book and get it into a verbal form. Don’t try to dictate too much at a time at least dictate one chapter or key idea at most during a recording session.

 Always remember to decide the “voice” or person you are writing in. What does this mean? Ask yourself if you are you going to write your book in the first person singular or plural (I or we), second person (you), or third person (they). Be careful when you write to keep the “person” the same in each paragraph or section of your book. If you are addressing a reader as “you” do not switch the person in the middle of the paragraph and start writing with “we.” Be consistent.

When you quote from a version of the Bible that is not your default then it is important for you to use a parenthesis citation, which includes the scripture reference as well as the Bible version. For example: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him would not perish; but have everlasting life” John 3:16 (KJV). Use proper adjectives, verbs, noun and proper sentence structure.

Manuscript should be well edited

There are three professional editing which are the copy editing, line editing and development editing. Examples of the editing are punctuation, incomplete sentences, typos, spellings, theological mistakes, proof biblical texting, completeness of texting, order and flow of chapters etc.

Publishing the book

If you want to publish your book to someone, you should send out your manuscript to various publishing houses just in case. If you rather prefer to publish your book by yourself, then all you have to do is find a printer, adjust it to the type of format, colour, layouts you want before printing. Always remember to print a test page to check if everything is okay before printing in large batch.

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